Giving back to
the earth what we only borrow ,
We save resources for tomorrow;
We are part of
the solution without dilution:
Our sewage
when composted brings no sorrow !
(Frampton Cotterell
A tree bog is a type of compost toilet.
It is an example of appropriate technology for an outdoor toilet for a woodland, or an allotment.
The one below is a shed on stilts 0.9 m high, with steps.
We made it at Foundry Wood in Leamington Spa, in July 2012. Many thanks to the ARC-CIC team organising Foundry Woods, and to the Midland Co-op who worked hard to build it.
Organised by 'Achieving Results in Communities', it is a great place, in the middle of Leamington.
It has trees and plants around, to soak up nutrients that seep down into the ground.
It can be a sort of kit that I come with.
Or we can design it using the materials, such as green timber, that is on your site.
There is another tree bog at Eastside Roots Community Garden Centre, at Stapleton Road Railway Station, Easton, Bristol.
Inside it are signs saying:
''Welcome to our Compost Toilet:
A compost toilet is a dry or waterless toilet. We don't send our waste 'somewhere else' we process it ourselves and use it.
After you use the toilet throw in a handful of sawdust. Just like us, the bacteria in the toilet like a balanced diet. Human waste contains a lot of nitrogen. So we need to add extra carbon (otherwise it's like a meat sandwich without the bread - to a bacteria).
Because it is dry there is no smell. The waste decomposes aerobically to produce nitrates, phosphates and sulphates which are great plant nutrients. Human pathogens (germs that cause disease) don't like the dry airy conditions and soon die. Because there is a small possibility that some parasite eggs may survive, we only use the finished compost on trees. Human waste that is composted at high temperatures or for a very long time is completely safe.
Benefits of compost toilet:
- save water
- no chemicals
- produce useful plain compost
- no greenhouse gas emissions
Now doesn't that feel good.
What goes into the compost loo ?
Use it for pee and pooh,
And toilet paper too,
Just add a handful of sawdust after what you do
Environmentally friendly toilet cleaner:
Half cup white vinegar
Half cup borax
Half tablespoon liquid eco soap or washing up liquid
teaspoon essence for nice smell
Use eco spray cleaner for toilet seat. ''
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